Developer of the Automatic Brick Laying Robot (ABLR) Construction Automation has secured accreditation from housing warrant and insurance provider National House Building Council (NHBC).
ABLR, which runs on a track around the foundations of a building laying bricks and mortar for external walls, has undergone testing and inspection for the past year.
The ‘NHBC Accepts’ accreditation allows ABLR to be used in the construction of new homes covered by all NHBC warranty products, subject to appropriate design and installation.
Richard Lankshear, innovation manager at NHBC, said: “It has been an intensive, year-long endeavour both for our team and Construction Automation and involved an extremely rigorous process.
“Modern methods of construction play an important role in the delivery of new homes in the UK and tackling the housing crisis, so it’s very encouraging to see new technology like this coming through.
“With the residential property industry under pressure to increase the volume of new homes, coupled with pressures on materials, skills and labour, modern methods of construction is at a critical stage.
“We’re pleased to be able to use our scale, expertise and knowledge to work with manufacturers and provide developers, investors, lenders and homebuyers with confidence that innovative new products and systems can meet the same high standards of quality and durability as traditionally-built homes.”
Construction Automation now looks to build confidence in ABLR within the housing industry. The company added its system can “lead the way to increase on-site productivity, guarantee quality, improve on-site health and safety and close the skills shortage gap within the industry”.