Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) is growing in popularity especially for mobile robotics in logistics, according to a new study by IDTechEx.
The report Mobile Robotics in Logistics, Warehousing and Delivery 2022-2042, found that 6-8% of the current market revenue for mobile robotics in logistics comes from RaaS.
The report quoted the ability of RaaS to be based on a monthly subscription or a pay-as-you-go format as a reason for its uptake. This is due to firms being able to utilise robotics without investing too much at the beginning and will have fewer losses if they stop operating the mobile robotic system.
Additionally, flexibility was cited in the report as RaaS allows customers to start or end mobile robotic systems at any time point as needed. It also allows changing product types quickly, for example, transferring from “shelve-to-person” grid-based AGCs to “carton-to-person” case picking robots easily.
While, scalability was found to be another key driver – with RaaS enabling customers to increase the fleet size conveniently and easily, without the concern of reducing the fleet size in the future. For example during at sales peaks such as Black Friday and other shopping festivals.