The January 2022 issue of Robotics & Innovation is now available to read online! Packed full of news, interviews and features, including…
- COVER STORY: New ways are being explored to tackle the UK’s nuclear waste problem and safely decommission radioactive facilities…
- ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION 2021 REVIEW: Highlights from last year’s Robotics and Automation exhibition, which marked the industry’s first chance to meet in person in two years!
- CLEANING & SANITATION: Businesses are turning to robots to help keep public spaces clean and workers safe. But is the cleaning industry ready for them?
- WAREHOUSE AUTOMATION: As the number of AMRs used in big sheds proliferates across the UK, are the days of the trusted AGV numbered?
- ROBOTICS4EU CASE STUDY: How a European Commission-led project aims to boost adoption of responsible AI-enabled robotics…
- SMART FACTORIES: Robotics & Innovation asks four experts to share insights on what the future of manufacturing automation could look like…